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What Dreams Are Really Made Of
Why we’ve always tried to find transcendent meaning in an ordinary, everynight event.
Creation by Subtraction
Be thankful you’ve lost much of your mind since your youth.
'Nones' Are Your Business
A review of 'The Rise of the Nones' by James Emery White
You Probably Love (or Hate) 'Heaven Is For Real' for All the Wrong Reasons
It's not a travel guide. And Colton Burpo isn't the first Christian to have an ecstatic experience.
The Myth of the Average Millennial
Don't rely on statistics and stereotypes to reach my generation.
The Art of Worship
What keeps us from visual (and vulnerable) responses to God?
The Slow, Steady Salary Climb
Church pay shows signs of recovery. But will the new housing allowance ruling and rising healthcare costs offset gains?
The Growth at Cliffside
What happens when growing pains become serious?
Finding the Right Fit
How can the ministry hiring process better serve employers and job-seekers?
The Most Interesting Theologians in the World
Stay doctrinal, my friends...
Gray Matters
The brains behind our personalities.
Dancing on Graves?
Why celebrations of death give "the last enemy" too much power.
Our Not-so-great Debates
Can the hope of Easter quell Christian Quarreling?
The New Ministry Dictionary (#2)
A lexicon for state-of-the-art ministerial conversation.
The New Ministry Dictionary (#1)
A lexicon for state-of-the-art ministerial conversation.
The Beards of Ministry
A field guide for pastoral facial hair.
The Just Church by Jim Martin (Tyndale, 2012)
A Leadership Journal review
Four Ways to Boost Year-End Giving
Tap into your congregation’s generosity now so you can finish strong.
Pastors Share Post-Election Sermon Plans
How will pastors respond to the re-election of President Barack Obama this Sunday?